Future multilateral trade negotiations.
With the necessary political will and appropriate policies nationally and internationally, the goal of having the proportion of the world’s population living in abject poverty by 2015 is achievable. I am very pleased to be here today to talk about...
NGOs in a global future.
Globalisation is most likely to be as significant a historical shift as industrialisation. We must activate the power of civil society worldwide in order to ensure the benefits spread to the developing world. I am pleased to have this chance...
All human rights for all.
The commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affords us an opportunity to revisit the achievements and leadership of past generations in overcoming the horrors of the Holocaust and forging a new consensus on human rights.
Poverty elimination and the environment.
Within 20 years we could see one billion people lifted out of abject poverty, every child in the world in primary education, basic health care and reproductive health care available to all and sustainable development plans beginning to reverse the...
The World Wide Alliance for the Elimination of Poverty.
Debt relief can be an essential step in ending poverty. But we must not stop there. We should strive for nobody to be left in extreme poverty. For the first time in human history, it is possible. The question is...