Development is the best means of securing the Sustainable Development Goals however the management of urbanisation by governments across the world is creating a cyclical situation whereby the urban poor are repeatedly forced out of sites of invested development and...
Acts of kindness and charity are not an alternative to a quest for a more just society but are stepping stones towards that more just society. Such work helps inform those who do it of the changes that are needed,...
Clare distinguishes two contrasting approaches to political decision making, advocating open discussion and the frank exchange of opposing viewpoints which were the hallmark of John Smith's style of power when leading the Labour Party. She highlights the work of Slum...
Macardle is an unsung heroine of progressive politics and literature. Through the course of her eventful life as a writer and political advocate she campaigned for causes related to national self-determination, anti-fascism, Irish nationalism and advocated closer political union between...
Whilst recent efforts to encourage transparency in the extractive industries constitute progress there is still much work to be done to break the link between extractive industries, corruption and poor development outcomes.
Britain's foreign policy is exacerbating the grave dangers threatening the global order. As a middle-ranking power it should be working to courage internationalism and collaboration. Instead it hankers after renewed global reach and influence at the highest levels of global...
There is a paradox at the heart of international development: those who live in countries rich in valuable extractive resources fair worse than individuals in countries with fewer natural resources. In order to address this, we must look beyond simple...
I wish to describe the important window of political opportunity that arose between the end of the Cold War and the declaration of the War on Terror in order to argue in favour of a systematic and integrated approach to...
The ethics of international development can be ambiguous. Most would agree that it is the duty of developed nations to assist the third world in escaping systemic poverty and political corruption but the actions of Western governments suggest otherwise.
It is only very recently that OECD countries have made efforts to address corruption in their dealings with resource-rich developing nations. Much work is required to root-out corruption and address the West's role in bolstering corrupt regimes and practices. The...
It is only recently that corruption has been targeted and transparency advocated by Western governments and NGOs. A great deal of work and political initiative is required to achieve a truly equitable solution to extractive industry corruption.